
Showing posts from April, 2024

A lesson learned from Michael Burlingame's ABRAHAM LINCOLN biography

  We can be so much more than what we are born to be.        This simple life lesson is one that has been passed down to all of us countless times through the world of pop culture, yet it feels so many of us have a hard time truly learning and trying to benefit from. In my own personal life, I can think of countless people who came from difficult backgrounds who manag ed to achieve great personal and professional success, and I can likewise think of many sad stories of people who never grew past their origins (and perhaps never had any interest in doing so). On the other hand , all of us have also known of people from relatively privileged backgrounds, who completely squandered their advantages and never made much of themselves. I know of people who had much more privileged lives than myself growing up, but I also never went hungry and never lacked life’s basic luxuries . I like to hope that I’ve done the best I could with what I was given, and that I now play a role in h