A lesson learned from THE EXPLORERS, by Amanda Bellows
The modern world was paved by invisible heroes. One of the historical trends that has fallen out of fashion in recent decades, was the old obsession with what was known as the “Great Man” theory of History. Early historians of ancient and medieval times were pioneers of the notion of researching and understanding past peoples, but they also gravitated to the notion that only daring and charismatic leaders could move the needle of History, and that we are all just doomed to live forever in the shadows of their achievements. Historians of recent decades have focused much more on the lives of ordinary people through the ages, and how much their movements and contributions were essential to actually enacting the ideas of the so-called “Great Men.” Amanda Bellows’ light, highly readable survey of The Explorers: A New History of America in Ten Expeditions , details the stories of ten relatively ordinary Americans who played a massive, l...